We use the latest, “state-of-the-art” equipment to perform our tests, measurements and surgery. This gives us the highest level of safety, diagnostic and treatment accuracy to ensure that we give our patients the best care possible.
Questions About Our Equipment?
If you have any questions about any of the technology that we use, please ask your Consultant for further information or visit the links provided in the equipment section below..

The equipment we use
The state-of-the-art equipment we use is listed below.
The digital slit lamp gives us great flexibility in documenting eye problems which helps with diagnosis and monitoring allowing us to take pictures where necessary.
The Heidelberg Spectralis OCT machine allows us to take very high resolution pictures of the back of the eye. It is currently the “Gold-standard” OCT machine and is the same type of machine used in research trials. It is particularly useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of macular disease and glaucoma.
The Heidelberg Anterion uses the latest technology to provide the most accurate measurements of the shape of the front “window” of the eye, the cornea, along with other parameters.This enables us to calculate implant powers with a very high degree of accuracy prior to cataract surgery and forms part of your bespoke surgical plan. It also allows us to perform enhanced cataract surgery such as astigmatism correction.
The Humphrey Field analyser is used to test visual field function. You may have had similar, more basic tests done at your opticians. Our machine is the “Gold-standard” machine and is used in most hospitals in the UK.
The Alcon Verion image guidance system and Centurion cataract surgery machines are the latest state-of-the-art machines allowing us to precisely match the position of your eye and maintain constant pressure in your eye during surgery. This increases safety during surgery and allows us to refine the surgery to ensure that your bespoke surgical plan is executed with the highest degree of accuracy possible.
If you have any questions about any of the technology that we use, please ask your Consultant for further information or visit the links above.